The Minimalistic Flaming Purple Phoenix

The legend of a magical bird, which lives for several hundred years before it dies by exploding into flames. It builds its own funeral pyre or nest and ignites it with a single clap of its wings. It is then reborn from its own ashes, to begin a new, and stronger life. It is a powerful symbol of the need to constantly renew ourselves in the face of adversity. After death it rises gloriously from the ashes to live its new life.

The Phoenix Myth has always been a powerful symbol. We believe it symbolises how we all must approach the many challenges and experiences we face throughout life. We all must contend with the same issues around health, time, grief, adversity and change. We must be willing to be honest with ourselves, accept when things are no longer serving our lives positively, and be willing to renew ourselves into something better, to keep moving forward.

We want you, or someone you know, to find the change needed to build that new or improved life - leave the ashes of the old behind.

Why Tactical?

We believe any successful outcome requires strategic planning, time to consider our best moves, patience with implementation and the courage to keep moving forward in the face of adversity.

Why Ability?

Because we believe disability should not prevent a person being provided with the respect and dignity they inherently deserve. Living a life of their choice and control. Being employed and compensated fairly for their skills, education and abilities. Accessing and receiving appropriate supports to overcome adversity.